Tag Archive 'vegetarian'

Jan 07 2011

Lasagna redux

Published by Christine under Pasta,Vegetarian

As college students in Paris twenty-five a few years ago, my friends and I used to go to a little Italian restaurant in the 6th arrondissement, on the rue Clément, called Le Golfe de Naples. The owner, Attilio, would serve us some cheap but seriously enjoyable food; I know that the restaurant still exists, but [...]

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Jan 02 2011

2011: The Year of Eating (Well)

Published by Christine under Vegetarian

Now that the foie gras and bubbly have been put away, let’s concentrate on the kind of food we can actually eat every day without fear of post-meal angioplasty (not to mention guilt over that foie gras, but, deep breath, let’s not get carried away). I’ll start the year with roasted tomatoes, which is one [...]

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