May 04 2011

Tofu On My Mind

Published by Christine at 4:54 am under Vegetarian

Easter dinner at our friends’ house was a wonderful affair. The company was delightful, the food was (as always) oh-so-yummy, and the bubbles were a-flowing: what more can one ask for? My daughter was particularly grateful, because our friends (ever thoughtful people that they are) had also planned around her being a vegetarian, and made, in addition to the meat-dish that was to be served to most, some particularly well-executed grilled tofu, which pleased her endlessly.

I tend to not use tofu all that often. It is easy enough to prepare, but I don’t find it exactly exciting – in the same way that I don’t find documentaries on the life of mollusks all that exciting (except this one); “do I really have to?” is is how I might describe both, and I’d rather eat/watch something else, thank you very much.

Tofu is, however, interesting in more ways than one. First and foremost, it is an excellent source of low-fat protein. Secondly, while it is bland in and of itself, it does take the flavor or whatever it is you marinade it in, which makes it very versatile. Most of the time, the tofu I’ve been served has been sitting in a little bit of soy sauce, along with some other condiments, but I was looking for something a little different, so I decided to skip the soy, as it were. I had some delicious oranges in the fridge that I had been snacking on, and I wanted to use them in an entrée. I settled on a marinade made with coriander and orange juice; it turned out lively and fresh tasting and just what the tofu-doctor ordered. I briefly broiled it and served it alongside a salad (recipe follows) lightly dressed with a bit of hummus, lemon juice and olive oil; it was so good, I had to do it again the next day, and I can’t wait to do it again.

Maybe I should give the life of mollusks another chance.


Tofu with Coriander and Orange Marinade

1 block extra-firm tofu
1cup chopped coriander
1 orange
1 clove garlic, peeled
1.5 tsp hot chili sesame oil
3 Tbsp peanut or light olive oil
1/2 tsp salt

Cut the block of tofu in half around the equator. Press the tofu: place each half on 5 or 6 thicknesses of paper toweling and cover with the same amount. Place a baking sheet on top and weigh down with a large can or heavy cookbook. Press for about 30 min.

Zest the orange and squeeze the juice. Place zest, juice and all other ingredients in blender and process until smooth.

Cut each tofu block half in half again around the equator, and then in 3 pieces each. You should now have 12 pieces of tofu. Place them in a 13″ x 9 in pan, and cover with marinade.

Marinating away

Let marinade for at least an hour, then grill or cook under the broiler until it begins to brown, for a few minutes on each side.

Golden days

Serve with red quinoa, whole wheat couscous or brown rice, and a salad.

Pretty, no?

PS: here’s another marinade that works well: 3 Tbsp each soy sauce, lemon juice and olive oil, 2 cups chopped coriander, 2 tsp harissa (or chili paste), 1 clove garlic – process in blender until smooth.


Orange and Avocado Salad

1 head red leaf lettuce, washed and torn into pieces
1 avocado
1/2 can hearts of palm
1 orange
2 Tbsp hummus
1 Tbsp lemon juice
3 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
black pepper

Dice the avocado and slice the hearts of palm. Peel the orange with a knife so that no pith remains, then cut the sections. This video here show you how to do this – there’s really nothing to it.

Mix lettuce, avocado and hearts of palm in a bowl. Whisk together the remaining ingredients and toss with the salad. Top with orange sections.

The Side Show


2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Tofu On My Mind”

  1. Maryon 04 May 2011 at 6:38 am

    Nom, nom, nom. Tofu is good. I like to spread some hoisin sauce mixed with lime juice and garlic on me tofu, cook it briefly in a skillet and use it to make banh mi. This one would be good that way too. Your salad looks delicious!

  2. Christineon 04 May 2011 at 10:55 am

    Oh, yours sounds really good too! I’ll have to try one of those for lunch.

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