Tag Archive 'pasta'

Apr 03 2011

Devil May Care

Published by Christine under Pasta,Seafood

Last week’s lobster ravioli is not a dish for the impatient. It requires a little planning, and more than a little time. While it’s the sort of meal that I enjoy making (and eating) every now and again, it is definitely not one which finds its way on the table too often, because I have [...]

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Mar 27 2011

The L-word

Published by Christine under Pasta,Seafood

The brand new kitchen island at which I am seated now is a comfortable 5′ x 7′. It’s big enough to sleep on, although the granite that covers it might not be the most comfortable surface to get some rest – it turns out there is such a thing as ‘too firm’ and ‘way too [...]

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Feb 13 2011

Pasta al Cavolfiore

Published by Christine under Pasta,Vegetarian

Cauliflower, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love cauliflower in soups, in gratins, steamed with a little bit of butter and salt, roasted in the oven until caramelized (maybe my favorite), sautéed in a pan with or without other vegetables until nice and brown, in soufflés, in purées (alone or [...]

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