Tag Archive 'jam'

Jul 23 2013

Wineberry Jammelly

Published by Christine under Breakfast,Sweets

Ah, those hot, lazy days of summer… Well, maybe not so lazy. Mid-July typically means jam-making at my house, and this year is no exception. Last year, we had to contend with such an abundance of plums that I was able to make not only jam, but also ice-cream, plum butter, and plum vodka. This [...]

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Jul 13 2012

What Rhymes With Yum?

Published by Christine under Sweets

If it’s July, it’s got to be plum. Lots of them. You might actually call it a bumper crop; not quite as bumper-y as the one from 2010, which yielded about 60 lbs for the 1 (one) plum tree in our yard, but still. I’m not exactly sure which variety they are, but they are [...]

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