Tag Archive 'gratin'

Dec 31 2012

Le Réveillon de Noël, Part Deux

Published by Christine under Vegetarian

Today being the day of the other réveillon (New Year’s), I thought I would give a quick report on the Christmas banquet (twenty-one of us at the table). It was a wonderful night of family, friends, food and festive drinks. My adorable four year old niece wrote the customary (in our family) letter to Santa: [...]

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Mar 23 2011

A Taste of Summer

Published by Christine under Vegetarian

The winter is certainly dragging on, and I for one have had just about enough. Yet there’s hope in the air, and the temperatures are slowly but surely going up, and with them, the promise of better days ahead. If only it would hurry up already (thank you). With our new kitchen all but finished, [...]

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